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Rytmik Hip Hop King DSiWare. Is a pocket music station. Drums, percussions, bass, melodic inst. Build songs from clips, combine clips into 4 tracks. Varied collection of 10 pre-made songs. Library of more than 128 sound samples. Up to 128 clips, each clip has up to 4 instruments. Sel timing, reverse, shuffle, volume, polyphony and echo. Available in the Nintendo DSi Shop.
Rytmik Collection is site with songs created using Rytmik. Nintendo trademarks used under licence. DSiWare is available only through the Nintendo DSi system.
Drums and instruments and effects from 8-bit and 16-bit. Build songs from clips, combine clips into 4 tracks. Varied collection of 10 pre-made songs. Library of more than 180 sound samples. Up to 128 clips, each clip has up to 4 instruments. Reverse, shuffle, polyphony, echo and arpeggiator. Available in the Nintendo DSi Shop.
Is a pocket music station. Rytmik Rock Edition is an application for creating rhythmical and melodic themes and for composing whole songs. Its user interface blends the fast and well-arranged interface of classic drum machines with flexible pattern interface of popular trackers and with modern sound library. It contains more than 133 carefully selected sound samples of drum set, keyboards, bass, clean, lead and rhytm guitars instruments.
Rytmik is an application for creating rhythmical and melodic themes and for composing whole songs. Its user interface blends the fast and well-arranged interface of classic drum machines with flexible pattern interface of popular trackers and with modern sound library. It contains more than 170 carefully selected sound samples of drums, cymbals, percussions and bass and melodic instruments. Huge selection of drums, percussions, basses and leads.
Is a pocket music station. Ethnic drums, plucked, mallet, bowed and wind instr. Build songs from clips, combine clips into 4 tracks. Varied collection of 11 pre-made songs. Library of more than 117 sound samples. Up to 128 clips, each clip has up to 4 instruments. Reverse, shuffle, polyphony, echo and arpeggiator. Available in the Nintendo DSi Shop and in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
Zájmové kroužky pro děti Rytmik Dětem. Něco málo o zájmových kroužcích pro děti. Zájmové kroužky nejsou jen pouhou zábavou. Je třeba si uvědomit, že jejich význam je mnohem hlubší. Prostřednictvím kroužků děti dostávají šanci, jak se plně realizovat v činnosti, která je baví, naplňuje a nejen to. Pokud dítě pravidelně navštěvuje nějaký kroužek, vybuduje si kladný vztah k aktivnímu trávení volného času. Připraveny máme i kroužky zaměřené na kreativní činnost.
Drums and instruments and effects from 8-bit and 16-bit. Build songs from clips, combine clips into 4 tracks. Varied collection of 10 pre-made songs. Library of more than 180 sound samples. Up to 128 clips, each clip has up to 4 instruments. Reverse, shuffle, polyphony, echo and arpeggiator. Available in the Nintendo DSi Shop.
Is a pocket music station. Rytmik Rock Edition is an application for creating rhythmical and melodic themes and for composing whole songs. Its user interface blends the fast and well-arranged interface of classic drum machines with flexible pattern interface of popular trackers and with modern sound library. It contains more than 133 carefully selected sound samples of drum set, keyboards, bass, clean, lead and rhytm guitars instruments.
Rytmik is an application for creating rhythmical and melodic themes and for composing whole songs. Its user interface blends the fast and well-arranged interface of classic drum machines with flexible pattern interface of popular trackers and with modern sound library. It contains more than 170 carefully selected sound samples of drums, cymbals, percussions and bass and melodic instruments. Huge selection of drums, percussions, basses and leads.
Vítejte na stránkách kapely Rytmik. Naším výchozím bodem je obec Jedlová u Poličky. Kapela hraje převážně na plesech, zábavách a jiných společenských akcích. V našem repertoáru najdete pestrou paletu žánrů. Snažíme se, aby si opravdu každý, kdo se s námi příjde bavit, přišel na své. Hrajeme rock, pop, lidovou hudbu i standartní taneční skladby. Michal Briol, Zdeněk Ondra,Martina Půlkrábková,Ivan Pavlák, Lucie Tomanová,František Procházka, Martin Stehno ,.